

What is Kakushitsu-DOU?

The stratum corneum is the uppermost layer of the epidermis.
While it has a delicate skin structure that is a mere 0.02mm thick,
it is the outermost part of the skin and serves as a barrier that
protects the skin and body from various external irritants.

Based on extensive experience at the front line of aesthetic medicine,
Takami adjusts the metabolism of the skin and nurtures the keratin in a healthy manner.
We believe this is the shortest route to achieving beautiful skin,
and we consider this to be basic care for beautiful skin.

TAKAMI's 5 Core for Kakushitsu

28-Day Cycle in Rebuilding the Kakushitsu
Foundational Care for Beautiful Skin


Stratum Corneum Aesthetics

Stratum Corneum Aesthetics

Embrace a new era of skin health with TAKAMI.
Join us today and begin your
journey of skin transformation.